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  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Consults: Extended ability to get task reminding you to follow up on the consult up to 100 days.
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Panel Profiles: User can now select the patient status when creating a Panel Profile
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Address Book: To streamline the search for consultants and address book entries, we have made the province mandatory and pre-filled missing provinces. Now, the search will default to the current clinic's province.
    Patient Chart: Users can now attach photos when printing a chart.
    Ava Scribe: Users will now see which microphone is being used for recording. This will be displayed right beside the microphone icon in the patient chart.
    Patient Notices: Users can now choose which patient chart notices appear in the appointment window by checking the "show when booking appointments" box when creating a Patient Notice.
  • Vector representation of a medical chart.
    OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Patient Demographics: New UI changes for editing the PHN/identifier category for patient’s. To save, user now have to type in “confirm”.
    Other Documents: Imported Files that are deleted while in the patient chart can be “undeleted” as long as you remain in the chart.
    CPAR: Clinics now have the option to submit an off-cycle submission for automated CPAR.
    Ava Connect: Clinics can now delete messages/PDF documents.
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Scheduler - Rooms View: Users can view Rooms in the scheduler by going to Clinic Management > Employees > Edit > Edit Appointment Settings. Once this is turned on they will be able to pop-out the Rooms View in the Day View only. They can then add patients to Rooms and it will show in the Rooms View
    Scheduler: Clinics can now toggle the “Sticky Schedule” to choose whether employee schedules will need to be manually be made visible after they have been hidden, or if they will become visible automatically the next day. This will have to be toggled for each individual user by going to Account Management > Ava Customizations > Schedule Customizations > Uncheck the Sticky Schedule box to return it to how it used to be.
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Security Policies: Clinics can now restrict certain IP’s from accessing Ava. This can be done under Clinic Management > Employees > Edit > Security Policies.
    Scheduler: Clinics can now create group appointments by adding multiple patients to a single appointment.
    Scheduler: Clinics are now able to quickly find the next available appointment for a specific provider. There is new "arrow" icon in the individual scheduler which will show the clinic all the available appointments for that particular physician.
    Scheduler: Clinics can now add clinic resources, such as a procedure room, so that it displays on the scheduler. Resources can be added under Clinic Management > Clinic Resources
    Appointment Types: Clinics now have the ability to change the colour of their booked appointment types. This can be done under the Appointment Type settings in either Account Management or Clinic Management
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Consults: Clinics can now determine if they want to receive reminders or not. To change this setting, navigate to Clinic Management >> Summary >> Click on "Edit Consult Manager">> Check or uncheck the box for "Consult: Send Reminder Default".
    Patient Chart: Click can now search for patients by their emails under "Advanced Search Option".
    Patient List: Users can now specify a list to “display in patient chart” under the Reminders Section.
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    WSBC: WSBC Templates now have the ability to add Start/End Time.
    WCB: WCB billing codes have been added. Clinics can now create bills to keep a track of WCB payments made through WCB portal
    BC Clinics: More categories have been added to choose from when they are sorting other document faxes.
    Billing: "Good Faith" bills are now available for users who wish to bill.
  • OverviewGeneral Enhancements
    Fixes and Improvements
    Fax Cover Page: Clinics now have the ability to skip fax cover page. Clinics can set this by navigating to Clinic Management >> Fax Providers >> Click Pencil Icon (Edit) >> Check “Skip Cover Page” Box
    PDF's: All PDF files will have the permanent rotate menu above them
    PDF's: “Task Notes” and “New Task” moved to the toolbar in "Other Documents" section.
    Consults: consults that are in “Other Documents” can now be moved to “Consults” section of the patient chart. The steps involved are - Go to Patient Chart >> “Other Documents” >> Open the consult in question >> click the "Ambulance" icon to move the document.
  • OverviewGeneral enhancements for PDFTron. Users can now use PDF forms more efficiently
    Fixes and Improvements
    PDFTron: Users will now see a new "user interface" for Pdf forms
    PDFTron: Signature can now be stamped using the signature button in the top bar of the form
    PDFTron: Users can now create forms and make the gender boxes auto populate.
    PDFTron: Users can now upload a Pdf form and make it fillable within the form
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